
5 Signs of Low Self-Esteem Christian Men Should Know About

A traffic accident ended Joseph Benson’s career as a caterer and chef. He could no longer lift heavy pots, pans or reach items on the shelves, because the accident left him confined to a wheel chair.
Seeking an escape from the personal problems and financial woes that ensued he began to use illegal drugs. It wasn’t long before he was homeless, hanging-out with other addicts, under a bridge.

His story is not that different from the story in Luke 15 (11-31) of the prodigal son. Both men were in a struggle to improve their quality of life.

The Prodigal Son

The account in the Bible tells some of the bad choices that caused the prodigal son to find himself in need. Maybe it was the despair of hunger or the fact that his job was feeding pigs, that were eating better than him that made him realize he needed to make a change.
Many situations can affect a Christian’s emotional well being, but they don’t have to damage your self-esteem or mental health. That’s when we have to encourage ourselves and draw upon the strength that comes from having a personal relationship with God.

In his book “10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace” best selling author and lecturer, Dr Wayne Dyer said “Any problem can be resolved with a spiritual solution.”

Beware of These Five Signs of Low Self-Esteem

Easily offended- If you are taking everything personal as if you are under attack and you resent constructive criticism?

Difficult to communicate with- Are you argumentative and unwilling to take corrective action to change bad habits or situations?

Blaming others- Do you accuse the people around you when things happen rather than take responsibility yourself?

Complaining- Are you constantly bothered by peoples mistakes and don’t hesitate to tell them how they should do things?

Nosiness- Do you find yourself helping other people solve their problems, even when they don’t want your help?

If friends or family members accuse you of two or more of these habits,you may be suffering from low self-esteem.

Using Faith to Encourage Yourself

The best way to overcome challenges in life is to have faith in what God said about us(Phil 4:13), not what man says about our circumstance. When your self-esteem is low it's harder to overcome problems. Never view these temporary setbacks as permanent roadblocks to a better life.

Alexander Graham Bell once said,
“When one door closes another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”

Joseph Benson started volunteering to help the kitchen staff at SEARCH, a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the homeless in Houston TX. It was an uphill trek that he endured by encouraging himself and helping others.
Joseph, who now coordinates the volunteer services at SEARCH, is one of their success stories. He’s progressed from the bridge to serving as a board member of Health Care for the Homeless-Houston, an organization that addresses one of the issues surrounding homelessness.

1 comment:

rootzpoet said...

Thank you for this post. It is all so real and timely. God Bless you my friend.