
Great Debaters

An Oprah recommendation recently turned "Eat, Pray, Love." The spiritually-inclined travel memoir, into a genuine online phenomenon. Now I hear that Denzel Washington opens and closes The Great Debaters with a prayer.

That would not have been allowed past the censors at any one of the major studios. “The Great Debaters." Is only the second directorial effort from Denzel Washington. It depicts life at a Black college in Texas in the 1930’s. “The Great Debaters." A Harpo production has local ties to Houston, Henrietta Bell Wells, a Phyllis Wheatly graduate was the only female member of the 1930 Wiley college debate team.
“It’s great to see an A-list actor giving God the glory for his gift. Denzel does just that in his interview with Belief net’s Michael Kress. The star tells us how he studies the Bible daily, prays every morning and night, and sees his films as a form of preaching.
What does that say about the movie, does that make it a Christian movie, a movie by a Christian, After I see it this weekend I'll let you know if this in fact a Christian film or a film showing christian values or the prayers are just a secondary theme to lure a few moore viewers to the movies


Yobachi said...

I'm trying to remember prayers in the Great Debaters, I don't recall that.

Maybe the James Farmer Sr. Character (Forest Whitaker) prayed at the opening sinces it started with his sermon.

Unknown said...

Hey yobachi,

You have a very interesting site.

"I'll be back"

God bless, BrotherMark