
Christians Men Considering Marriage or Divorce

I didn't intend for today's post to be related to the preceding topic, but it very well may be, for the Christian men who fails to curtail their lust of the eyes may find themselves headed for divorce court.
There is not much you can do to bring your relationship back from the ashes,once it has disintegrated into a courtroom battle so it's better to use preventative measures before your marriage crashes and burns

The scriptures refer to being unequally yoked,(2Corinthians 6:14) this should be your first consideration, when it choosing a spouse. You may not think it's important that your spouse shares your religious beliefs, or what about political beliefs, differences in how children should be raised or personal habits.
It may seem like a little difference when you first get to know a person but after years and years of tolerance it can all at once become intolerable and you find yourself headed to divorce court.

Often people marry with the idea that they can change their partners but most of the time that doesn't work out. Somethings need prayer and to be resolved prior to making a vow of "till death do us part".

Let me share a few sources that I found, these should be useful for anyone that may be thinking about divorce, but would rather work on their relationship. These are in addition to using your Pastor and the available resources of the church you attend.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Written by John Gottman,Ph.D. This book's author believes that the emotional intelligence of a couple is the key factor to keeping a marriage alive. Simply put the emotional intelligence is, embracing the positive thoughts and feelings about each other and not focusing only on the negative parts of a relationship.
If you are considering marriage then look at the marriage basics on there you will find a host of advice about the legal aspects of family law.

None of these will help if you don't begin a relationship with a earnest commitment to God and each other. Let me paraphrase a scripture that every single man should know, if you seek first the kingdom of God then the wife you need will be added unto you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honestly what does it take to get a man to be and stay faithful physically and spiritually. I don't believe my husband has cheated on my physically but he has stayed in contact with this woman for about a year now. Now they have their own email address with their own password since they got caught by me last time and it almost led to us breaking up. It is very hurtful.