
What Makes Christian Men Happy

(images courtesy Google)

Are you a Christian man who is still in search of happiness? Is your happiness being held ransom? The answers to these questions, depend on whether or not you have ever experienced true happiness. The kind of happiness that’s so contagious, you’ll want to pass it on to others.

When you’re happy, there are chemicals that flood your brain that give you an instant high, that your body craves. Happiness is addictive, it’s so powerful that when people desire it, they will do almost anything to obtain it.

Unfortunately, most Christians and especially men, have been conditioned mentally to experience a counterfeit happiness. One that based on their current emotional state in life and provides only a momentary sense of fulfillment, satisfaction, pleasure or enjoyment.

Many people have been convinced to pursue this type of happiness instead of God’s plan for happiness, for their life.

Counterfeit Happiness

man getting gift

In order for you to understand how to obtain real happiness, let me point out several ways Christians experience happiness.

Sin happiness- this brings a temporary euphoria from doing whatever their mind desires, but we know that the end result of sin is destruction.

Synthetic happiness- there are drugs that can trigger the chemicals in our brain to give us a euphoric feeling of happiness but it only last for a short period and you have to take more drugs to be happy again. This type of happiness leaves you in a hopeless state of addiction.

Stuff happiness- this is when people have to constantly get stuff to make them happy. Some people can only be happy when the get stuff like jewelry, money and material possessions. Because it too is a short term happiness, when stuff gets old, they no longer bring us the same level of happiness.

Did you notice the flaws with these concepts of happiness?

God’s Plan for Happiness

Spiritual happiness on the other hand, is a level of happiness where stuff doesn’t matter, where sin is not an option and synthetic happiness doesn’t even come into your understanding.

Most of us have been convinced to pursue counterfeit happiness for so long that we’ve neglected to give any attention to obtaining true happiness, that comes from following God’s plan for happiness.

According to Proverbs (Pr 3:13) Christian men who gain understanding and wisdom will be happy.

Why Are Christian Men So Happy

The Psalmist describes it this way in the Amplified Bible, (Psalms 34:8) O taste and see that the Lord is good. Happy, fortunate, (to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.

Happiness depends on your awareness, your perspective, and how you process what’s happening. You have to maintain a clear understanding that, because you have made the Lord your refugee, he is always near, nothing will come your way that you and God can’t handle.

That’s why Christians can be happy from the time that get up each morning, till they lay down at night, regardless to how bleak the situation looks, around them.

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