
Effective Online and Offline Advertising That Works Like A Magnet

If you're trying to create effective online or offline advertising for a website, using print or classified ads you'll find lots of helpful tips in this info packed short blog post. You'll learn how to write a headline that attracts customers and how to get your message to speak to the right audience. Most of the details are complied from previous blog post on advertising principles and other industry publications and websites.

In the Holy Bible John the Baptist started a new trend that is still being carried out today. He used his a finely tuned message that was prefaced by a headline “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”. You business will benefit from having a concise message that speaks to your potential customers in all of the various medias where you advertise. You do advertise your business?

Advertising Resources For Small Businesses

Advertising is a crucial resources for Christian and small businesses. I want to take you behind the smoke and mirrors in advertising and provide you with links to informative resources that I used in researching this important subject so that you can understand how to make advertising work for your business. Here are some previous blog post and other related articles on advertising.

Effective advertising

Free classified ads
Free advertising for businesses
Advertising design and copywriting

How to Write Effective Headlines 

To write an effective headline you need to include as many of the underlying principles of advertising as possible. These key principles are attention, interest, desire and action.

- Your headline that offers a bold promise or benefit is a your best bet to draw the reader into your ad.
Interest-The best way to get a reader interested in your product is to by letting them know how it can help them.
Desire-Your ad should tell the potential customer how your product can solve a problem or challenge or make their life easier
Action- Many ads do all of the above things well but fall down when it comes to having a strong call to action that tells prospects what to do now that they've found your remarkable product.

Crafting Headlines That Work

There are some principles for crafting headlines to grab a readers attention that we need to discuss briefly. Using a headline that tells a story is one of the techniques I highly recommend and is often used by the top advertising copywriters. According to research done by Pew Internet & American Life Project in 2009, researchers found that online ad effectiveness can even vary with something as simple as the time of day.

Knowing just that fact alone should let you know that crafting advertising and especially the headline is serious business and warrants paying attention to every detail.

The Story Headline

How An Average Golfer Improved His Score and And Turned Pro Using My Valuable Product

Using this kind of headline is a technique favored by masters of copywriting to attract a readers attention and pull them in to the body of the ad.

The News Headline

A Revolutionary New Product That Kills Ants Safely

I'm sure you've seen and been lured by an advertising headline that you thought was a news story. This kind of headline is effective for 3 main reasons.

They are informative.
They convey value
They use a hook to draw readers.

Guarantee Headline

The New Ant Bait Guaranteed To Rid Your Home Of Ants Today

This is a powerful way to build credibility for a new product.

The How-To Headline

How to Get Rid of Ants Without Harmful Chemicals

This headline attracts readers by offering to give do-it-yourself information, advice and solutions to deal their problems.

Command Headline

Stop Pesky Ants In Dead In Their Tracks

A headline style that tells your customers what to do. It should encourage action and offer your prospect a huge benefit which will help them.

John The Baptister

John was the first prophet that baptisted people. His simple message worked like a magnet to raise the consciousness level of his followers about the devastating affect sin was having in their lives. It compelled them to strive for a better lifestyle. One that was approved by God and would help them reach the Kingdom of God.

His message offered both a benefit and a solution to people. An effective advertisement should achieve that same goal.

To craft effective online and offline advertising that works like a magnet you have to know and master the art of headline writing. To do that you need to know your audience and what will help them to improve their lives. I've already discussed the major aspect of headline writing. You'll learn few more details on how to make headlines in part 2 of this post.

I'll explain how to make a headline pull more readers and get you started on building a list of powerful words that will boost the performance of your headlines. You'll also be enlightened to a few other important things about effective ads that I didn't have the time or space to cover in this short post.

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